Archive for Abroad

Chilean Thanks Giving Decorations

The short version of this story is that there is no such thing in Chile due simply to the fact that they do not celebrate Thanks Giving here.

The long version is an intensive study of North American handicrafts with a strong focus on the “hand turkey.”

Children in the United States learn how to make the iconic hand turkey as early as preschool or kindergarten. The hand turkey symbolizes the great richness of north American biodiversity, and the conquest of the continent by turkey eating gringos.

Versions of the hand turkey include:

– Profile with Horizontal Stripes: This feather pattern is the most faithful to the actual plumage pattern of a turkey. The colors chosen here are much bolder than the browns and blacks of a real turkey but they speak to the autumn colors that are typical of the Thanks Giving season. The profile body arrangement (using the thumb as the head) is the most traditional arrangement due to its simplicity. The only part of the bird that needs to be drawn freehand in this arrangement is the wing, a part of the anatomy which can easily be overlooked along with the feet and gobble.

– Front View with Vertical Plumage: The front facing hand turkey is slightly less common than the profile body arrangement due to the need to free hand the outline of the head a body. The vertical plumage pattern shown here has no relation to the actual plumage patterns of a turkey and is reminiscent of the psychedelic 1970’s.

Profile with Solid Colored Finger-Feathers: This design is a favorite of young children due to the simplicity of the plumage pattern and opportunity to use colors that are completely unrelated to the actual colors of a turkey.

Profile with Blended Plumage: perfect for those of us who dislike coloring in the lines, this turkey design allows for random swipes of the crayon over the turkey’s body and tail feather area.

Not shown here is the much beloved “Headless Turkey” which consists of a profile body arrangement in which the thumb has been cut off and the area around the base of the thumb colored red. There is no plumage pattern specific to the headless turkey.

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